
Day to Day

Well Steve & I have been married for over a month now and we are pretty settled in our new home. I suppose you could say the hype of the wedding, the honeymoon, and moving in a new house has settled. It's easy to want to live on a high all the time, but the reality is most of life is just day to day. Everyday is not filled with huge events or moments. But I have to say I really love the day to day life of being married. I love just living life day by day a long side my man. It's watching TV, eating dinner, having good conversations, leaving little notes on the refrigerator, working out, goofing off, disagreements that ultimately teach us a little more about the other person, watching movies, and even playing video games. It's having someone to support you even if you're just being an over emotional girl. More than those things, it's having someone to encourage you in your relationship with God. Someone to pray with and spend a life worshipping God with. Someone who pushes you a little closer to God than you were yesterday. I love the big event moments of life, but I pray that I don't miss the joy found in the everyday blessing of daily living.

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